Welcome to CL’MASA-FAM’IA

Christian Friends,

We have our original five Christian Living Blogs. Also, we now have twelve interest sites started, which we will gradually add information; plus we are starting a Christian Family Blog to share ideas of family entertainment, past-time, recreation, etc. You can link to them from our home site “Christian Living – CL’MASA-FAM’IA” www.christianlivingclmasafamia.blogspot.com

Beaver Creek / Camp Dream is not part of Christian Living but some of the same people are administrators of both and Christian Living does actively pray for the Beaver Creek / Camp Dream Programs.

In Christ, NaomiLeah

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests --
Please, list your prayer requests so others may pray for them; also, your answered prayer praises.
  • Pray for our pastors & missionaries & famlies.
  • Pray for missionaries John and Jan Shriver in Australia.
  • Pray for families that have lost loved ones. As I'm searching for old friends, it seems that I'm hearing too often, that they have passed away. I know if they have gone to be with our wonderous Lord & Savior, that we can rejoice in that, but the ones that they left behind are still hurting and missing them, please pray for them.
  • Pray for the sick.
  • Pray for the homeless.
  • Pray for the poor.
  • Pray for all United States military & their families.
  • Pray for all US leaders from local to national levels.
Praises to Our Heavenly Father --
  • For each and every new day and what it brings.
  • For Christian Friends and Fellowship.
  • If you still have your family, praise and thank God for them everyday.                                        Spouses -- Children -- Parents -- Siblings -- all family members!